Asyla Attorneys

our People

Daniel Welwel

Mr. Welwel studied law at the University of Dar es Salaam and is proficient in the preparation of legal opinions and the drafting of legal documents. While specializing in commercial law, investment and finance law, he has experience in due diligence, business establishment; securitization and banking practice. He has vast experience on labour laws, energy, oil and gas practice. With experience in corporate law, Mr. Welwel is also a skilled litigation attorney having handled several high profile clients and public interest litigation.


Managing Partner

Email Address

Mobile Number

+255 786 885 331


+255 739 211 176


Tanganyika Law Society
Zanzibar Law Society
East Africa Law Society


2016 – present

Asyla Attorneys - Managing Partner

2012 – 2015

Asyla Attorneys - Partner​​

2011 – 2012

Asyla Attorneys - Junior Partner​​

2007 - 2010

Asyla Attorneys - Legal Associate

Jan 2007 – Jul 2007

Mkono & Co - Legal Trainee